Product Web Page Generator
You can generate a web page for all or some of the products created using Product Data Engine. If you use the built-in content management system(CMS), this is done with a single click.
Each generated web page will accurately show the product features, imagery, and technical drawings required, pulled from Product Data Engine.

Automatically generate thousands of product pages for your website
Manually creating thousands of web pages for each individual product that you sell takes up a lot of man-hours. So, it’s no surprise many companies opt to only create a series overview page.
Using Product Data Engine’s built-in CMS you can easily and quickly create and manage thousands of individual product pages with just a few clicks of a button – turning for example 250 hours of work into 15 mins.

Define product page templates
Using Product Data Engine’s built-in CMS, you can lay out web page components to create your preferred product page template.
This allows you to simply display features, imagery, and technical drawings pulled from the underlying data.
API to Feed product data to other platforms
Save time and resources by creating and managing a primary product feed in one place. Product Data Engine can help you synchronise your product information across multiple systems.
These can include:
- Content management systems
- Manufacturing and MRP systems
- Product data sheets
- Other product data feeds

Product selector
Provide sophisticated product selectors for new customers to find exactly the right product for them
Get Found by Your Customers with Search Engine Optimisation
There are people who need your product. And, the first place they’ll look is Google. But, if you haven’t optimised your product pages, they’re not going to find you.
Product Data Engine makes getting found by your customers a whole lot easier! You can quickly generate 1,000s of product pages, filled with keywords (aka your product specifics) that are highly targetable.

The best way to see if Product Data Engine is a good fit for your requirements is to take a look at our 3 minute product tour. We would love to show it to you and see if it is a good fit.